I am so grateful that you are taking your precious time to be here with me! If you’re new here, learn more about me on the Meet Gail page. If you want to get to my writing, you guessed it- go the the blog page! I get real creative with naming things.. ha! My hope is that you leave here encouraged to live wholeheartedly for Jesus.
As much as I wish I wrote more on this space, I write when I have something to share- not to gain followers, likes, income, or anything like that. Writing is my creative outlet and it’s a joy to get to share what’s on my heart, whether one person reads it or 100! Once upon a time I wanted to “make a name for myself” and quickly realized that game is not for me. Now, I choose to write when I have time (which doesn’t seem like that’s too often homeschooling our five children!) and when I have something that is worthy of sharing.
When you decide to start a blog, they tell you to find your niché. Well. I never found mine. I’m just a real person, with a real husband, and real children. I live a real life that is full of joys, trials, laughter, tears, and these days, a little extra eye-rolling. I’m just a kind-of crunchy mama, and so I do like to share recipes. But I also just like to share my real life. I love sharing what God is teaching me, what I’m learning in my study of the Word, and all the things in between.
Again, thank you for spending your time here with me. As a mama, I know time is precious, and if you’ve landed here, thank you for spending a few moments with me!