2019 held a lot of firsts for me.
It was my first time really speaking in front of people. In 2018, our pastor invited me to lead our women’s ministry, to which I said yes! January held a “kick-off” for the ministry where I had the privilege to bring a message to our ladies. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating all at the same time. I remember going home exhausted that night, but it was worth it. Our theme was “Known and Loved” and I remember the way God moved that night.
Last year, we also decided to separate our children in school. Until that point, we had grouped them together because they are so close in age. It made teaching easier for me, hands-down. This decision to divide them up was intimidating. It was also a decision to use videos through Abeka for all of our children. Needless to say, it has been a learning experience for all of us. It is a much heavier workload for me, and I have truly needed to be diligent (one of my words for 2019!) to stay on top of their work. The children have adjusted much faster than myself, but I think we’ve finally got the hang of it!
Early on in the year, at one of the meetings for women’s ministry, we tossed around the idea of hosting our own retreat. I half thought we were crazy for even wanting to tackle such a feat, but, with God’s goodness and provision to every. last. detail, we did it! It was an incredible time! I am still in shock that we actually were able to have a self-hosted retreat our first year in ministry. Side note: my second word for 2019 was expectant- I was expectant for God to move and do great things, and indeed, He did! Again, we were exhausted coming off the mountain (literally, the mountain) but every bit of work was worth it. I can’t wait to do it again.

There were so many more “firsts” for us, but those are some of my highlights! Now, here we are in 2020. I still need to be diligent, and still have great expectations for what God is going to do this year. I am one of those “word of the year” people, and for the past 2 years, my words have been exactly what I needed that year. For 2018, my word was surrender, and there as much to be surrendered that year. Big changes were made that year, and it required me to keep my hands open to the Lord to take out what needed to be removed, but also to allow Him to put into my hands the things He wanted to give me. Last year, my words were expectant and diligent, and both were necessary in so many areas of life. This year, my word is perseverance. I wanted a word that would help me to keep doing what I’m doing, continue on in the habits I created over the last year, a reminder that “slow and steady win the race.” Something to keep me pressing on in all the things God has called me to.
perseverance [ pur-suh–veer–uhns ]
steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
I use Powersheets to help me set goals for my year. It also helps me come up with a word for the year. Sometimes choosing a word makes me nervous. There is a part of me that wonders, “Is this prophetic to my year?” Is this year going to hold difficulties for me that are going to require me to be steady in my purpose? Will it be filled with obstacles to overcome? Is there discouragement ahead that I need to face? Maybe. All of those things can be a reality, and truth is, are. We all have difficulties, obstacles, and discouragement we have to overcome, don’t we? The word perseverance also encourages me to fulfill its definition: steady. I want to remain steady in life. Growing, even if it’s slow. Moving forward, even if it’s at a snail’s pace. NOT going backward or being stagnant.
I’m truly looking forward to 2020 and all that God has planned. I obviously don’t know what that all entails, but I’m excited to be a part of what He is doing. One of my eight goals this year (which I will share more about later), is to write more. It’s been a goal for who knows how long, every year. I miss it. It’s definitely my creative outlet, and I am hoping to be able to share weekly. You can always follow along on Facebook, Instagram, or subscribe by email to stay up to date.

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