Category: Encouragement

embracing the mundane
A few Christmases ago, I saved up some money and got a Vitamix blender. I was pumped! My Ninja was on it’s last leg and…

questions to ask yourself before watching Redeeming Love
I believe I am among a minority of women who will not be watching the movie, Redeeming Love. Francine Rivers is really a great author…

missions monday
Missions is something that I have not known a lot about. I’ve had this view that it consisted of a 10 days missions trip, where…

when strivings cease
We are almost two weeks into the new year and all over we are receiving the messages that come with “resolutions”. I’ve even heard one…

pray for your children
It seems like common sense to pray for your children when you are a follower of Christ, right? But what does it take to really…

being transformed {woty ’22}
Each year, I tell myself I’m going to actually write on my blog. So far, each year, has appeared to be a failure. I debated…

every wise woman
In a few short weeks, I will continue my classes in Biblical Teaching. We will be studying Genesis, and I know it’s going to be…

rise up
America has spoken and it’s heartbreaking. I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind. I shared on my personal Facebook profile that…
It’s Time
Hey friends! It’s been a hot minute since I wrote. Sometimes I forget I even have a place to write! My last post was back…

Teach Us To Number Our Days
I’m sure you are all aware of COVID-19 and all of the information circulating the internet. The world seems to be in panic mode. Store…