when life disappoints

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If you have lived for any length of time, you will know that life brings disappointment. It brings joy, laughter, blessing, and good times too. When life hits hard, and the disappointment is very real, what do you do? This is a question I have been asking myself over the past week.

responding to disappointment

The last few weeks have held a variety of circumstances that have left me feeling down, sad, bummed, whatever word you want to use. I have been so thankful for the people in my life who aren’t there to solve all the problems, but are there to just listen, be a should to cry on, and an ear to listen. Greg being the chief of these people for me. One story from Scripture kept coming to mind as my own mind raced for how respond.

Hannah, from 1st Samuel 1 & 2, is what keeps replaying in my head. Talk about a life of disappointment! Year after year, she would go with her husband to worship the Lord, and year after year, she was barren. She chose a good thing- to worship the Lord. Even in her disappointment, she worshiped the Lord. She cried out to Him, weeping before Him, begging the Lord for a son. In due time, the Lord answered her prayer, and gave her a son.

My response? Worship. The Lord is not the one who left me disappointed. He is worthy of my praise in good times and in bad times. He has never let me down. I have been cranking up the worship music and letting who He is wash over me.

life will disappoint

It is undeniable that life will disappoint us. That job we thought we always wanted isn’t what we thought it would be. Our children go wayward when we have done our best to lead them and point them to Jesus. People will hurt us, intentionally or unintentionally. The list of how we can be disappointed could go on, and on, and on. It may make us question our faith. Is what we believe about God true? Is HE the source of our disappointment? Why did He allow these things to happen?

The thing I am most thankful for, is that despite life’s circumstances, life’s failures, life’s disappointments, God is faithful. He is the firm foundation on which we stand. God is not shaken when we are. He is the Cornerstone. He is my rock and my salvation. All these verses I have read since I was a child are proving true! And for that, I am most grateful. My hope in the Lord is not in vain.

If you find yourself in the midst of disappoint, can I encourage you to press into the Lord? I know that’s such a “Christian answer” but it’s a good one! Lean on Him, put the full weight of the burden on Him. We can’t carry it. We will collapse under the weight. He alone is able. God’s strength will not fail us. Trust in Him, even in life’s darkest moments. He is a good and faithful Father.